So here it is January 1st. I have goals for this year. I’m gonna make new strips. I’m gonna put more content on my Youtube channel. I’m gonna register with ACX and record an audiobook for practice that you will be able to download right on this very site. I’m gonna be more creative and I’m gonna kick some ass! WHO’S WITH ME?!?
So currently I have 2 backgrounds I have made for the site. One of them is Christmas themed and as it is the season I thought I’d share it. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! It’s just a quick doodle of 2 Christmas trees run through a photoshop filter.ys!
Well that was a lot more work than I was expecting, but then it always is, isn’t it. Now all previously existing Toyin’ Around strips are up for your enjoyment. Other areas of the site still need work, so back off to the salt mines I go. Also here’s a pic of my exclusive-ish Toys R us employee mug from 1997.
The re-upload of strips is going well, but I have had to take a couple of days off for work, family and other obligations. I plan to get several more strips up tomorrow!
So I think I’ve gotten things pretty decent, and am adding in all my old Toyin’ Around strips. Still a lot to learn about WordPress. Old dog, new tricks and all that.
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